Your Resource Guide to Body Appreciation, Neutrality and Positivity

The first and most influential step in moving toward body appreciation, neutrality and even positivity, is to bring awareness to how we learned about what bodies ‘should’ be, and to challenge some of the unhelpful and untrue societal narratives.

To support this, we’ve created a list of reflection questions to open the conversation around body image and get you thinking about how you see yourself, and what influences this: 

  • How does social media affect your body image?

  • Are these thoughts consistent?

  • What can you eliminate from your life that doesn’t make you feel neutral, or good about your body?

  • What do you need to feel nourished and strong in your body?

  • Do you honour your bodies physical needs? If not, what is one thing you could implement to start listening to your bodies physical needs?

  • What does positive body image look like for you?

  • Who in your life makes you feel good about your body and yourself?

  • Who in your life makes you feel bad about your body and yourself?

  • What does your body do for you? What are three things that my body does for me, that I can be grateful for?

  • What is your current relationship with exercise?

  • What is your current relationship with food? 

  • How do you want to feel in your body?

We’ve also created a go-to guide of body-neutral and body-positive influencers and resources for you to follow! We invite your open-mindedness but also encourage you to be conscious of your initial reaction or self-talk that comes up as you explore these wonderful resources



  • The Beauty Myth by Naomi Wolf

  • Big Big Love by Hanne Blank

  • Body Respect by Linda Bacon

  • Health at Every Size by Linda Bacon

  • Body of Truth by Harriet Brown

  • Fat Activism by Charlotte Cooper


  • Life Unrestricted

  • Food Heaven 

  • Love, Food

  • Dietians Unplugged

  • Real Health

If any of the above reflection questions have identified something for you, that you would like to work on, reach out to Good Vibes Clinic today to arrange an appointment

Illustration credit: Pink Bits,


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